Exhibition with works of Anja de Jong and Trudy Kunkeler

25 June to 7 August 2016 – Saturday – Sunday -12 till 17 h.

Location :
Ateliers 22 – Gravenstraat 22 3311 BC Dordrecht,  065791 8133, info@ateliers

Anja de Jong conceives and produces photography projects in the form of exhibitions and (book) publications.
Recurring major themes in her work are the climate and water problems and the predilection for history on the basis of a small and concrete, sometimes personal, given.
In De Jong’s photographs, the human being, if present, is only an extra. She is much more interested in man’s actions and the traces he draws with them in both the cultural and natural landscape.
Ateliers 22 shows work from ‘Ice Edge – Ice Border’ about her search for the new ice frontier. In addition, Anja de Jong is exhibiting new work from the project ‘Monuments of Climate Change’; a ‘work in progress’ within Dutch borders in which water issues and history come together..

The starting points in the work of Trudy Kunkeler are the nature of the landscape, the constant shifting of the earth’s plates and the erosive effect of mankind. The cartographic translation of the sea on a 17th-century map is the source of inspiration. Earlier, Trudy Kunkeler made these ceramic ‘soap plates’ using photographic techniques based on a text by Leonardo da Vinci: ‘Above the plain of Italy, where today swarms of birds fly, schools of fish once swam’.

Working from the flat surface, reliefs were created that grew into spatial objects such as a repeated survey of length, width, depth and height. Together they form a landscape, a city transcended by sea level. The subsequent series of works is entitled ‘Architectural Constructions’ with the subtitle ‘Après nous le déluge’.

The exhibited work is entitled ‘Maritime Landscape’.
ATELIERS 22 – Gravenstraat 22, 3311 BC Dordrecht, 065791 8133,